公司獎項/專業資格: 1) ISO 9001(2000) 質量管理系統証書 / IQ Net國際証書 2) 食水系統優質維修計劃 3) 明智減滅計劃 (金獎) 4) Professional and Ethical Award Scheme for Property Management 5) 紅十字會輸血服務中心 6) 工商業廢物源頭分類計劃 7) 香港環保企業 ... …
Kiu Lok Service Management Company Limited (KLSM) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FSE Holdings Limited (FSE). Established in 1972 with nearly 40 years of experience in the industry, our well-trained teams have proven ourselves to be the leading experts in …
服務客戶 李進良-嘉仕美整形診所 德廚傢俱精品集團 德明管理顧問有限公司 鑫新精密股份有限公司 臻德茶苑網 ... We like to make things for web, in fact we are little bit too obsessed. In fact we earn money whilst working on things we're totally in love with. …