公司介紹– 越先有限公司 - 首頁查詢公司統一編號,核准設立,經濟部中部辦公室,彰化縣埔心鄉瓦北村源泉路二段157巷38號營業項目,五金批發業。,機械批發業。董監事,董事股數100本公司專營各種閥類產品及鑄件的研究、開発、設計、製造以及出口。主要產品有適用於氣體或液體的1片式、2片式、3片式球閥、閘閥、逆止閥、球形閥、蝶閥、針閥、球 ... …


越先有限公司 - Taiwan Trade查詢公司統一編號,解散,新北市政府,新北市新莊區福壽街66巷108之3號營業項目,電子零組件製造業。,模具製造業。越先有限公司,,Ball valve, Gate valve, Globe valve, check valve, fittings, OEM metal parts, lostwax casting, surface finish, machining center, metal parts assembly, ... …


台中市/ 越先有限公司Accellence Technology Corp. / 台灣 ...查詢公司統一編號,核准設立,高雄市政府經濟發展局,高雄市鳳山區鎮西里新生街一段17號1樓營業項目,機械設備製造業。,模具製造業。董監事,董事股數130越先有限公司 Our main line of products including various kind of industrial stainless steel valves, carbon steel valves, pressure equipments and casting parts, ... …


越先有限公司Accellence Technology Cor - 台灣黃頁查詢公司統一編號,廢止,新北市政府,新北市蘆洲區永安南路二段48號4樓營業項目,機械批發業。,模具批發業。越先有限公司 Our main line of products including various kind of industrial stainless steel valves, carbon steel valves, pressure equipments and casting parts, ... …


越先有限公司Accellence Technology Corp. / valves,球閥 ...查詢公司統一編號,廢止,經濟部中部辦公室,桃園縣桃園市中山路1000之3號3樓之5營業項目,其他機械製造業。(齒輪),其他機械器具批發業。(齒輪)Our main line of products including various kind of industrial stainless steel valves, carbon steel valves, pressure equipments and casting parts, suc. …


越先有限公司Accellence Technology Corp. / 服務ㄧ覽 ...查詢公司統一編號,核准設立,經濟部中部辦公室,桃園縣蘆竹鄉龍壽街一段106號營業項目,機械設備製造業。,汽車及其零件製造業。董監事,董事股數1服務清單第1頁。Our main line of products including various kind of industrial stainless steel valves, carbon steel valves, pressure equipments and casting parts, ... …


公司介紹– 越先有限公司 - 首頁

本公司專營各種閥類產品及鑄件的研究、開発、設計、製造以及出口。主要產品有適用於氣體或液體的1片式、2片式、3片式球閥、閘閥、逆止閥、球形閥、蝶閥、針閥、球 ... …


越先有限公司 - Taiwan Trade

越先有限公司,,Ball valve, Gate valve, Globe valve, check valve, fittings, OEM metal parts, lostwax casting, surface finish, machining center, metal parts assembly, ... …


台中市/ 越先有限公司Accellence Technology Corp. / 台灣 ...

越先有限公司 Our main line of products including various kind of industrial stainless steel valves, carbon steel valves, pressure equipments and casting parts, ... …


越先有限公司Accellence Technology Cor - 台灣黃頁

越先有限公司 Our main line of products including various kind of industrial stainless steel valves, carbon steel valves, pressure equipments and casting parts, ... …


越先有限公司Accellence Technology Corp. / valves,球閥 ...

Our main line of products including various kind of industrial stainless steel valves, carbon steel valves, pressure equipments and casting parts, suc. …


越先有限公司Accellence Technology Corp. / 服務ㄧ覽 ...

服務清單第1頁。Our main line of products including various kind of industrial stainless steel valves, carbon steel valves, pressure equipments and casting parts, ... …


越先有限公司Accellence Technology Corp. / valves ... - 形象圖

清單第1頁。Our main line of products including various kind of industrial stainless steel valves, carbon steel valves, pressure equipments and casting parts, suc. …


越先有限公司Accellence Technology Corp. / valves ... - 形象圖

徵供應商清單第1頁。Our main line of products including various kind of industrial stainless steel valves, carbon steel valves, pressure equipments and casting ... …


High Pressure Ball Valve | 越先有限公司| B2BManufactures ...

產品描述: Two way Threaded end High Pressure Ball Valves- Sizes range: 1/8”~ 1" (DN 6 ~ DN 25) Port availability: Reduce bore. Temperature range: -20°C to ... …


越先有限公司· 曾振富· 臺中市大里區國光里永興路61巷7號1樓

統一編號, 80111859. 公司名稱, 越先有限公司. 公司所在地, 臺中市大里區國光里永興路61巷7號1樓. 公司狀況, 核准設立. 登記機關, 經濟部中部辦公室. 核准設立日期 ... …
